The Emotion Code & Body Code

Release Trapped Emotions & Memories with The Emotion Code® & The Body Code®

The Emotion Code®

Although each person is different, we all have experienced one, if not many, of life’s little challenges. Whether you struggle with health issues, life-changing events, or financial difficulties, you begin to hold onto and trap these problematic emotions over time. When you do, you can experience depression, chronic illnesses, anxiety, or more.

The key to removing these toxic emotions hindering us is learning how to release them. Here at Natalya’s Healing, I have learned the secrets of The Emotion Code® and can teach you. During our sessions I will teach you techniques and exercises designed to help your body let go of its emotional baggage, allowing you to move forwards unencumbered.

Learn More About The Emotion Code®

The Body Code®

The human body is a fantastic machine like our computers, except they have an even larger memory capacity. It remembers everything from birth, life experiences, thoughts, memories, and even our pain and trauma. Our bodies store these moments in our muscles, organs, and joints. Over time as negative memories get stuck in our bodies, it can lead to physical and mental issues.

Through The Body Code®, we can correct these energetic imbalances throughout the body using muscle testing to find the trouble spots. With muscle testing combined with specific questions, we can read the body’s response and determine if there is an imbalance and how we can release that energy.

Learn More About The Body Code®

My Personal Story with The Body Code & Emotion Code

What does this really mean to trap negative emotions? According to Joe Dispenza, if we sit in the emotion (feel it) for too long. our body records it. Once trapped, it lowers the energy of a particular organ, gland, or whole body region, leading to further degeneration and even some serious chronic health conditions. 

I encountered the Emotion Code/Body Code about ten years ago, when I was in the process of healing five bulging discs in my lower spinal area. I also hadn't been able to lift my right arm for a month. And my youngest daughter had had a bad cough which no traditional doctors could find a root cause or cure for.

I came to my naturopath for help. She placed a chart with emotions in front of me, took a small, flat, bendable magnet, put pressure on my arm using kinesiology, asked when the emotion got trapped, and erased it down my spinal cord three times, repeating the process for each emotion. When I came home, my shoulder pain went down from ten to two points. My back significantly improved, and I was cured shortly afterward (after a year of suffering). My daughter's cough, which had lasted over a month, went away within days, as her trapped emotions had lowered her immunity. Muscle testing efficiently pointed to the right root cause, and it went away completely without any medical intervention.  This was The Emotion Code method I got introduced to. I learned it myself and have been helping myself, my kids, and my friends for the last ten years. 

When a credit card gets placed next to a strong magnet, all of the information will be erased. It is a similar concept with the spinal cord storing all of the life experiences/information that the subconscious mind needs to protect us and keep us safe and that we need to bring out to the surface, decode using muscle testing, and then let go. Or this type of protection becomes an imbalance, a hindrance on the way to our success and full realization.       

I am on a mission to teach everyone how to be proactive, own their power, independently identify and erase trapped emotions right when they hit, live the life of their highest potential, and never spend a penny on the healers and doctors who make them forever dependent on their services. Don't get me wrong, we need drugs, diagnostics, and supplements. I only mean when the main cause of the pain or disease is emotional and stress-related, then we can easily problem-solve ourselves and quickly erase the lower frequency energy with a magnet. I am here to teach you how. 

Don’t let another day pass you by before you start your journey to a healthier you—call (763) 222-7858 to learn how.

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