
Bring Home the Science of Kinesiology Today

Have you ever experienced pain, but when you visit the doctor, they cannot treat it or even tell you why it occurred? You are not alone. Hundreds of people are suffering from pain or imbalances in their bodies every day, but Natalya’s Healings can help. Natalya can teach you the techniques to train yourself to ready your body’s responses and pinpoint the areas causing you problems. To learn more about our methods or to schedule a learning session, please call our office at (763) 222-7858.

I offer educational sessions on how to use kinesiology for testing nutritional supplements, vitamins, and foods, and how to identify trapped emotions and interference fields in the body. 

What is Kinesiology?

So, you’ve finally heard the word kinesiology, but you’re still not quite sure what it is; well, for starters, kinesiology is just another name for muscle testing. Muscle testing is a form of therapy that was developed in the 1960s as a system in which one can manipulate the muscles and surrounding nerves to look for imbalances within the body to ease body pain and also to help enhance the body’s natural healing abilities.

How Does It Work?

Our bodies are built with muscles constantly contracting and releasing throughout our everyday lives. Kinesiology uses these systems to assess the body’s condition. First, we begin by focusing on a select muscle and placing it into a state of contraction. Once in this state, we will see one of two outcomes if we apply pressure. If the muscle stays firm or “locks,” this is a positive response; if the muscle goes weak or “unlocks,” this is read as negative. So, by applying pressure and asking the participants questions, we can read the responses and learn about blockages in the body’s energy pathways.

You can count on me for easy-to-follow lessons – call Natalya's Healing today at (763) 222-7858.

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